Overview of Session 2

God is Relational

How do we develop a relationship with God that has enough substance to change us from the inside out? If we accept the truth that real transformation comes out of an authentic relationship with God, we are then faced with two major problems.

First, very few of us have ever been shown how to engage with God in a way that is really worthy of the term relationship. What most of us have would be more accurately called an arrangement with God – we try hard to do the right things for him because of what he has done for us.

Second, a majority of Christians have perceptions of God that would make a life-giving relationship with him very difficult. Many consider God to be so critical and judgmental that they find it hard to believe he really wants to be their source of life and give them what they need. But once we begin to discover how much God loves us and longs to come alongside us and mentor us in the ways of the Kingdom, everything changes.

Continue to Overview of Sessions 3 and 4