We have moved all of our videos to a new site!
Important: These changes have impacted EVERYONE who has ever bought Forming, whether as a DVD set, a USB, or Streaming Access.
Please Read!
A lot of changes have happened since the initial release of Forming in March 2012!
Originally, the teaching videos were only available on DVD.
Near the end of 2019, we introduced both a USB version and online Streaming on THIS site!
As of November 1, 2022 due to the wonderful reception of this streaming option, we have moved all of the videos to a new, professional, and more reliable streaming source.
Our new streaming site is: KingdomFormation.Thinkific.com
But there is more!
The new streaming access has NO expiration date. Your account will be permanent!
Anyone who previously purchased a streaming subscription on Forming-Course.com will be given a permanent account on our new streaming site … even if your previous subscription has expired!
Anyone who purchased (or will purchase) the videos on a DVD set or a USB, will be allowed a complementary streaming account as well. (Please see notes below).
You should have already received an email about this migrations, if you were on our mailing list.
If you already owned a DVD or USB, or if you had previously subscribed to a streaming account, we have already created a new account for you. Your personal email invitation to the new site contained a link for you to set up a password for your account on the new site.
( Regrettably, if you opted out of our emails, we were unable to send you an invitation. However, you are still eligible for an account … see notes below).
We do plan to keep THIS website (Forming-Course.com) online, but we will no longer be streaming from here.
A Note to DVD and USB holders
First, we want to thank you for your support of Forming! Your investment in our work has helped to compensate for the six years we spent developing the course, and for our ongoing efforts in Christian Spiritual Formation.
We tried our best to keep our records up to date, so we have email addresses for nearly everyone who purchased a DVD or USB. Our hope is to grant every one of you a complementary streaming account on the new site. However, a few people may have been missed in our record keeping, or you may have opted out of our email list. If you do not receive an invitation to the new site (or know of someone else) please contact us and let us know about your original USB or DVD so that we can provide you with a streaming account. Thank you for your understanding.
For those who did not receive a formal invitation
If for any reason, you meet the above criteria for a free account, but did not receive an invitation with a special link for creating a password on your new account, you may contact us via the Contact Page and explain your circumstances. We can then insure that you have an account on the new streaming site and send you the necessary link to get started.