Frequently Asked Questions

[ Updated 10-11-22 ]

What’s the Difference Between the Author’s Edition of Forming and the Connexus Edition?

All of the course material is the same in the videos and workbooks. The Author’s Edition (featured on this website) is distributed by our friends at Humble Shack, and the Connexus Edition is distributed by Life Model Works. The main difference between them are that they have different artwork on the workbook covers, and the Author’s Edition is presented as a stand-alone course without references to the other Connexus modules, whereas the Connexus Edition is presented as one of a series of courses.

How long does it take to order materials in the U.S.?

Most of the time Humble Shack can ship Forming materials within one or two days. You can contact them if you need more details on shipping.

How long does it take to order Forming materials for countries other than the U.S.?

Streaming is world-wide, and access is immediate. See our Streaming site.
For workbooks, please see our International Links page.

Is the Forming course suitable for new Christians?

The feedback we have received tells us that Christians at every stage of their walk benefit greatly from this course, from brand new Christians to people who have been in the church for decades.

Will the videos play on my computer?

The videos stream to any modern browser.

( more to come ! )