College-Level Forming Course

We now offer the Forming Course at the college and seminary level !

How is this course different from the standard video course offered to churches and other Christian organizations?

For the Instructor: We give you the actual PowerPoint presentation slides and all the presentation notes, so you can teach the course live.  You also receive all the notes we normally supply to group facilitators, which outline the objectives and processes involved in the course as a whole as well as each session. The course is designed to take 12 sessions. If your institution has semesters or quarters in which the students meet more that 12 times, you will have ample time to supplement with your own material on spiritual formation.

For the Student: The book Forming: A Work of Grace is the primary text used along with the Student Guide which contains exercises and additional articles to help internalize the material. You will also be required to read one additional book on spiritual formation (The Divine Conspiracy at the seminary level or Shaped by the Word at the college level), and write several significant reaction papers regarding the material presented in the course.

You can download a PDF that summarizes the course here: Invalid download ID.

You can download a suggested course syllabus here:  Invalid download ID. ( this is in Rich Text Format which can be read by any word processor )

You can order Student Materials from our Bookstore.

Please note: The College Level materials (PowerPoints and Student Guide) are only available to educational institutions.
We cannot supply these materials to churches, para-church organizations, or small groups.

Educational Institutions interested in further information or in obtaining the presentation materials, should contact David Takle directly at .