Forming is available everywhere!
Streaming is available worldwide, and Workbooks are also available everywhere. See our page on Getting Started.
We include here several ways to get started with Forming and bring it to your church or small group.
Since Forming is so experiential, the best preparation for leading a group is going through the course yourself.
Create a ‘Leaderless’ Group with Friends
If you do not have access to another Forming group with an experienced facilitator, we highly recommend gathering a few friends together and going through the material together. Each person should have their own Participant Workbook, and you may find it helpful to share a single Facilitator Workbook to help setup the exercises. Spend extra time discussing the material so that you all get the most out of the course. For the teaching portion of the course, you will need to access our Streaming Service.
To create an online group, please see our page on hosting a Zoom class.
Work Through the Material Without Videos
If you prefer a book study to a video-based course, another option is to purchase both the Participant Workbook and the resource book Forming: A Work of Grace which contains far more material than the actual videos. For each session, first read the corresponding chapter in the resource book, then engage in the experiential aspects of the session by reviewing the presentation notes in the Workbook and doing the exercises there (preferably discussing all the material with others). While this approach takes longer, you will still have full access to the benefits of the course.
Special Option for Educational Institutions
Colleges, Seminaries, and Christian High Schools have full access to even more possibilities.
Please check out our College-Level details here.